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Country Punk: Home-Made Edge

I spent my early years on a farm. We were taught that the reward for hustle, hard work and getting dirty was survival. Success wasn’t judged by the amount of money in your pocket, but by your value in the larger scheme of things – what role did you play in getting shit done? Trust me when I tell you, EVERYTHING had a purpose – no throwaways. I learned to reinvent old things, create new from scratch, and appreciate the possibility in the overlooked. My aura screamed hand-made, ag-girl, punk rocker! Think Tractor Supply meets Hot Topic.
I never really lost this vibe as I moved into other areas of my life. Whether it was my career in healthcare, competitive body building run, or push to make Clean Eatz a national name – I found energy in pulling every piece together for an impactful outcome.
Now, I’m at it again. I’m patching up moves for my next life journey, and I’m doing it by going back to where it all began – the farm.


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